laws of motion

5 Answers


asnwer is d))

Lokesh Verma ·

not very very difficult..

see there will be 2 forces on the mass by things other than the clamp

One is by mg and another by 2 T's ... (one horizontal, another vertical)

vertical net force = mg+Mg

Horizontal Mg

bcos T=Mg

Also, you can thus say that these forces are balanced by the clamp..

So option should be "D"


ya ......... so u get d resultant by (T1^2+T2^2)^1/2

msp ·

why the tensions r same sir.
what happens to the tension on both sides of the pulley if it rotates

Lokesh Verma ·

as long as the pulley is massless and friction is not there, you can assume that tension is zero..

the proof comes from something much more basic.... that is balancing torque or net force..

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