Surface Tension

In HC Verma the reason of surface tension is as follows:
A molecule well inside the bulk is experiencing equal forces from all sides.But a molecule on the surfeace experiences some in force in the upward or downward direction.This phenomenon is responsible for surface tension.
Then why is the surface tension defined as force per unit length.You know we have to draw a surface and then a line on it and then we say that the part to the left of the line attracts the part on the right.And the part on the right attracts the part on the right.So isn't this definition wrong as the reason of surface tension is different?

2 Answers

Manish Shankar ·

Even if i were to explain from where you have left...

The part on the right is attracting a part on the left..

so there is a line separating both..

So force is acting on the line

So force is acting per length

Vinay Arya ·

From the first three sentences(my) it looks like vapour above the liquid is responsible for the sirface tension.So how is surface tension defined as force between the layers of the liquid itself?I means to say is that we should define surface tension on the basis of its cause as given in the book.

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