u may have done it before for free fall but not for projectile

A ball hits fixed horz surface with speed v0 at an angle θo.Coeff of restitution is e.Find ratio of distance moved between 1st and 2nd impact point to that between 2nd and 3rd impact point.Also find max height attained by ball after nth impact.

3 Answers

skygirl ·

write the expressions for vertical and horizontal velocities..

horizontal ones will remain same.

vertical one will decrease by a factor e.

Lokesh Verma ·

if the vertical component of velocity becomes k.v

then time of max height : vt=1/2at2


so time of travel will decrease by the factor e..

so the horizontal distance traveled will also decrease by factor "e"

skygirl ·

nooooo... i told about velocity ... not distance...

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