is this statement true/ false (plzz giv some resons too )

" weight of an object on the earth is more at midnight than at noon"

4 Answers

Anirudh Narayanan ·

Did you ask this because you think that during the day, the gravitational pull of the sun can decrease your weight? If this were true, your statement would be true .

greatvishal swami ·

yes acc to me at noon sun's & earth's gravitational pull r opposit & during night they r in same dir

Anirudh Narayanan ·

Then that's the answer. At midnight, the sun would be farther away from the earth than it was at noon. But, wait. What about the moon's pull? Though the moon is of lesser mass, it is far closer to the earth than the sun, right? So won't the moon's pull decrease our weight during the night? [7]

greatvishal swami ·

but the pos of moon changes rapidly so i dont think it willl hav much effect

anyways the statement is false & my reasoning is correct bt still i cant exactly get y the statement is not correct

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