Cant Sleep... HELP

I got this request today itself from 2 users.. Without revealing their identities,

How to have a balanced sleep??

Due to the tough preparation, i suffer from severe lack of sleep after i started preparing hard!

I sleep for 2.5 to 3 hrs a day!
I need some help regarding this!

1 Answers

Lokesh Verma ·

See the most important thing always is not to get too nervous.

Most of u are hardly 16-17. Just imagine the pressure your elders must have had in their life. Say your parents.

The most important thing is not to crack. Be patient. It is better not to clear IIT than to take so much pressure. IIT is a good place to reach. But not at the cost of your mental and physical health. Infact nothing in the world is worth it if it starts to affect your health. No matter how much you think is important.

At the end of the day only 4-5 thousand guys out of what 10 lac students studying science every year in India see the face of IIT's!!!

If you crack because of this, there will be far more tougher situations in your life.

But having said this you have to give your best go. You have to work towards achieving your dream.

Do the best you can. Tension will only add to your troubles. It is a very cyclic thing.. You take tension - --- > you stop to concentrate -----> you are no longer confident -----> You start taking more tension

The only way to get out of this useless and unworthy cycle is to get out of the Tension. No matter how.

There is no way out if you keep doing this to yourself.


Good Luck and Cheers. (Always be yourself.. You can do it)

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