Test:116 QNo:10

Find the ratio of the minimum and maximum of the resultant that can be found by two vectors of magnitude 4 and 6

7 Answers

karan ·

In this question
R =√a^2+b^2+2abcos theta
max value is when cos theta =1
and min when cos theta =--1
then it comes √1/9 = 1/3 =2/6
am i right or not???!!!!!!

Anirudh Kumar ·

answer accord. to me is 1/5 ;

do the following vectors give maximum when in same direction
R1= 4+6 = 10

and minimum when in opposite direction
R2= 6-4=2

ratio = 2/10 = 1/5

Lokesh Verma ·

karan i think you have made some calculation mistake...

karan ·

how can we simply add the vectors??
is there nothin g like resultant

karan ·

anirudh oyur ans as per tiit is right but i still cant understand the funda behind it

Anirudh Kumar ·

when you say that angle between two vectors is zero what does it means that they are parallel and point in the same direction.

we can add these parallel vectors just like scalar by adding their signs.

that is what i have done. same answer would be reached by applying the formula.

karan ·

Thanks i got it now

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