h.c verma

The metre is defined as the distance travelled by light in 1/299,792,458 second.why didn't people choose some easier number such as 1/300,000,000 second?why not 1 second??

5 Answers

Dharun ·

actually velocity of light is nearly 2.99*10^8 so light travel 1m in that 2nd

if u choose 1s then it is not =1m ,it is 2.99*10^8 m

Dharun ·

r u get it

Aditya ·

If it wud hav been 1 sec...u can imagine how big 1 meter wud be!

Aditya ·


silverdragon5142 ·

well ,if 1 meter was to be diatance travelled by light in 1 sec.,, then it simply could't be used for general purpose and the reason is well stated by dharun...

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