Nishant Bhaiya

He is the most respected person on this website..Nd he helps all of us..Great job done by him..I respect him alot..Comment everybody..Isnt he rocking??

4 Answers

msp ·

dude how can we comment him.Also dude tiit is not only due to nishant bhaiyya.It was a combined effort of the admins.Can u live without food ,water or shelter.The same here.

Rocky Crazy ·

Thts true its a combined effort but nishant bhaiya is with the most help..isnt it??

If target iit is d School of ours i personally think Nishant bhaiya is d principal..Nd ur food,water.shelter thing is correct as our skool cant run without the teachers..

Lokesh Verma ·

Thanks dude.. But I guess you have missed out all the other users like prophet sir, kaymant sir, manish, and the other guys like celestine, gaurav, and lots fo unnamed ones... ...

Rocky Crazy ·

Yeah i know..They r also there..

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