LOL what was this??

Call Mr. Analyst

Total Students Appeared: 258

Average Marks: -4.88

Maximum Marks: 999.99

Your Marks: 10

Your Percentile Rank: 100.00

2 Answers

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

test T-1:

Total Students Appeared:2311

Average Marks:0.69

Maximum Marks:40.00

Your Marks:40

Your Percentile Rank: 6.10 <--- "LOL" !!!

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

since the first day i came to TARGET iit Mr.Analyst have been out of station for one month and that too months after months!!

LOL!! one month holiday ends and second starts but he is outta station for one month at a time only! LOL

Mr. Analyst is out of station for a month.
Please Check back soon. :)

i had a secret desire to become Mr.Analyst! at least i would be able to remain outta station for a month and then second and then third! LOL!

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