12-05-10 Rotation

A cylinder of mass M and radius R is rotated in a uniform V groove with constant angular velocity ω.
The coefficient of friction between cylinder and each surfave is μ.
What torque must be applied to the cylinder to keep it rotating ?

4 Answers

student ·

hint:(friction is kinetic)

Bicchuram Aveek ·

Is the answer

√2 μ1 + μ2 MgR ???

not so sure as it does not involve ω .

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

i am getting simply √2μMgR...wer from are u getting such an answer?

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

my solution..

normal reaction's horizontal components balance each other
vertical component balance weight..

2Ncos 45°=Mg

so, N=1√2Mg

so, f=kinetic friction=μN=1√2μMg

torque by individual friction=f.R=1√2μMgR

so net torque due to 2 frictions=√2μMgR

so torque required to be applied in order to keep uniform rotation=√2μMgR

show wer i am wrong and also post ur solution aveek..a.k.a. bruce lee LOL

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