QOD - Juniors 15-06-2012

Note: This is a question for people from classes 7 to 10
A Helium balloon is accelerating up (yes, we all know this is possible. So this is not a hypothetical situation but a practical one).

So, note these things:
1) The balloon is rising up, thus it's height is increasing - so is the potential energy.
2) The balloon is accelerating, thus it's speed (magnitude of velocity) is increasing - so is the kinetic energy.

Thus, as time passes, both potential and kinetic energy are increasing.
So, is this possibly one example where the so-called "invincible" law of conservation of energy fails?
Give reasons for your answer.

2 Answers

Anik Chatterjee ·

can a student who has just passed 10th approximately 2 months ago answer this question??

Anurag Choudhury ·

I am not sure, but I think that at a certain height the balloon bursts and the total mechanical energy gained by the body is released as sound energy. Most probably....as far as logic goes.

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