general problem

Let S be the set of all vertices of a unit cube.Let T be the set of the triangles having vertices in S

then the number of equilateral , scalene, and isoceles triangles are ?

PLz answer quickly i want to check my answers..

6 Answers

Lokesh Verma ·

equilateral: 4
iso: 24

scalene: 28

I am not sure either.. but just a quick calculation!

Rohan Ghosh ·

isoceles i got 24

but the other two are not matching bhaiyya

Rohan Ghosh ·

i got 8 for equilateral and 8 for scalene

Lokesh Verma ·

8C3 = 8.7 = 56

so the no of triangels should be 56

I may be wrong and yeah i am wrong in the equilat traingles.. it si 8..

Rohan Ghosh ·

ooops ya i missed one case

so number of scalene triangles = 24

Subash ·

can you mention how exactly you found it

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