plese help

could anyone please tell me which among the following classes of kota is best? RAO IIT ACADEMY ,RESONANCE ACADEMY, INSIGHT ACADEMY. all these three classes are now in Mumabai and so I wanted to know in which classes should i be admitted.I hope u all will definately give me the right advice.

2 Answers

Sunil Kumar ·

I have never not heard of Rao IIT Academy. But one of my friend was in Resonance Academy and according to him it was very good. So I'll also advice Resonance.
But perhaps u shud take some more advices and take ur own decision.......

Aditya ·

Actually it doesnt really matter that much.......all of these r well known, but i too wil advise 2 go for Resonance.....also their study material is excellent.

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