Test:26 QNo:8

Find the eqn. of the line which is at distance 5 from origin it makes an angle of 120o with +ve x-axis.

10 Answers

scintillating dev ·

plz help

yagyadutt Mishra ·

It is also simple one.....

Just given exterior angle made by the line is 120 ...so interior will be 60

DIstance = 5

So x -intecept = 5/sin(60) = 10 √3

y-intercept = 5/sin(30) = 10

So equation of line

x/a + y/b = 1

x / 10√3 + y/10 = 1

x + y √3 = 10 √3

scintillating dev ·


sahil jain ·


nihal raj ·

answer should be \/3 x + y = 10

scintillating dev ·

@ nihal, how?

Abhisek ·

@ Scintillating dev : Mine is coming to √3x+y = ±10 (same as that of sahil)

Given that angle it makes with +ve x-axis is 120°, hence slope= -√3.

Let the equation of the line be y=-√3x + c.

From the diagram, DAO = 60° and OD=5 units.
So, AO = 5sin60° = 103.

tan60°= OBOA
or, OB=10 units.

Therefore, c=10.

Now if the line passed through the 4th quadrant, through similar calculations, c= -10.

SO c=±10.

The equation becomes
y = -√3x ± 10
or √3x + y = ± 10........[Answer]

scintillating dev ·

Sorry, i forgot 2 check d answer before. however, it's given √3x+y-10=0

if we take the line in the 4th quad, the angle with the +ve X axis is 60°(not 120°), so c=-10 is not considered.

Anyways, thank you for the concept.

Abhisek ·

Yes i didn't notice that....

Cheers to all of us for such wonderful teamwork in solving sums! :D

TargetIIT rocks :)

scintillating dev ·

yeah, it really does. hip hip hurray!! [1]

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