properties of matter

a piece of wax weighs 18.03 gm in air A piece of metal is found to weigh 17.03 gm in water It is tied to the wax and both together weigh 15.23 gm in water Then the specific gravity of wax is

My problem is that if the metal's weight is 17.03 gm in water then the metal and wax together should weigh more than 17.03 gm in water
& if in the ques it is wrongly given the mass of metal in water whether it should be given in air then can we solve the ques without having the specific gravity of metal

1 Answers

iitimcomin ·

its a simple 1 ull get 3 eqxns u can solve it!!!!!!!!!

the trick here is i think the specific gravity of wax is less than 1 which is why ur gettin other words th wax may be pulling the metal up reducing its weight!!!!!

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