
in case of positive adsorption there are unbalanced forces on the surface which causes the phenomenon but why does negative adsorption take place?

5 Answers

rishan chattaraj ·

still now no one???


Vivek @ Born this Way ·

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bhaarat ·

For liquids, accumulation (positive adsorption) of one or several components is generally accompanied by depletion of the other(s) in the interfacial layer; such depletion, i.e. when the equilibrium concentration of a component in the interfacial layer is smaller than the adjoining bulk liquid, is termed negative adsorption and should not be designated as desorption. Negative adsorption may occur also in the case of adsorption from highly compressed gas mixtures.

Does this suffice??

Has Negetive Adsorption anything to do with adsorption of solvent molecules???

Khyati ·

why does negative adsorption take place?

In some cases, the solvent from the solution may be adsorbed by the adsorbent so that the

concentration of the solution increases than the initial concentration. This is called negative

adsorption. Hence if the concentration of the adsorbate is less on the surface of the

adsorbent than in the bulk, it is known as negative adsorption

For liquids, accumulation (positive adsorption) of one or several components is generally

accompanied by depletion of the other(s) in the interfacial layer; such depletion, i.e. when

the equilibrium concentration of a component in the interfacial layer is smaller than the

adjoining bulk liquid, is termed negative adsorption and should not be designated as

desorption. Negative adsorption may occur also in the case of adsorption from highly

compressed gas mixtures.

rishan chattaraj ·

thanx for helpin me out!!

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