chemical kinetics!

For a parallel chain reaction
A→ B
A→ C
A→ D
The rate of formation of B is 40% of rate of decay of A and the rate of formation of C is 50% rate of decay of A, then what will b the partial halp life of A, while it is converting into D?
Given that the over all half life of A is 30 hours.

1 Answers

b_k_dubey ·

In any reaction there is no increase or decrease in moles, so A+B+C+D = constant

dA/dt + dB/dt + dC/dt + dD/dt = 0

also, given : dB/dt = -0.4(dA/dt) and dC/dt = -0.5(dA/dt)

from above three equations : dD/dt = -0.1(dA/dt)

rate of formation of D is 10% rate of decay of A

so partial half life wrt conversion of D = overall half life / 0.1 = 300 hours

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