graph doubt

A graph plotted b/w molar conductivity of NaCl,HCl,NH4OH


i have done the identification job

but wanted to know why slope A and B are diff ????since both NaCL and HCl are 1:1 electrolyte...??

7 Answers

msp ·

bcos H+ is a smaller cation.also HCL is a strong acid compared to NaCl so i think its slope shud be gr8er than that of Nacl
Na+ is a larger cation compared to H+

Manish Shankar ·

Is the highly concentrated HCl fully dissociated?

msp ·

but i have some dbt.

in conductivity see in case of H+ the cation is so small so it is heavily hydrated na.So the resultant hydrated molecule is large so its conductivity in soln shud be less than NaCl.

eureka123 ·

nthing given

Manish Shankar ·

I was saying that concentrated HCl is not fully dissociated at high concentration. while NaCl is fully dissociated at high concentration

this may help you

eureka123 ·

why HCl not disociated completely..considering that it is strong acid...

Manish Shankar ·

I will try to find an appropriate answer for this

right now I don't have any

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