2 liquids have boiling pt. as 80°c and 100°c resptly.
Which liquid will have more vapour pressure at 80°c?

plz xplain ur ans.
quick reply is appreciated.

3 Answers

Rohan Ghosh ·

we get that the vapour pressure of liquid 1 is equal to the atm pressure at 80°
but the vapour pressure of liquid 2 is equal to that of atm at 100°

as vapour pressure increases with temp.(as moremolecules leave the liquid surface due to more kinetic energy)

we conclude that liquid 1 will have more vapour pressure at 80°

amandeep_1 dhillon ·

Boiling temperature is the temperature at which the vapour pressure of the liquid becomes equal to atmospheric pressure.
If a liquid boils at 80 degree celsius it means at that temperature it's vapour pressure becomes equal to atmospheris pressure.
If another liquid boils at 100 degree celsius the it's vapour pressure becomes equal to atmospheric pressure at that temperature.

Hence at 80 degree celsius first liquid will have more pressure.

abhijeetkumar kumar ·

its easy!
liquid 1 has b.p at 80!
according to definition of b.p it is the temp at which vapour pressure of liquid is equl to i atm!
so in case of liquid 1 v.p=1 atm
in case of liquid 2
v.p<1 atm!
there fore v.p of liquid first is more!!

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