The end of everything

Ok guys.....after lots of advices and lots of practising out those is where i stand in organic chem. : i'm doomed !!!!

I try hard to keep the reactions in memory...i practice mechanisms all thru' the day.....i've not touched phy. and maths for the last week.....but entire efforts in vain.........

I'm trying hard...but i know...without organic i can do nothing cause it's the most scoring subject in JEE .....

If i can't do well in this particular field of'll be the end of everything ! :-(

2 Answers

Pritish Chakraborty ·

Gosh don't whine. You have the ability. There is no question about it. It requires dedication. Don't ignore the other subjects!!
Add me on chakrabortypritish [AT] gmail [DOTT] need counselling.

archana anand ·

haath milao bhai.....we are on a same boat.
ab toh bas last hope chem tution hi hai

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