Show that for a triangle

If in a triangle ABC \textup{a }cosA+\textup{b }cosB+\textup{c }cosC = \textup{s }, where symbols have their usual meanings, then prove that the triangle is EQUILATERAL.

4 Answers

Shubhodip ·

Use \sum _{cyc}a\cos A = \frac{abc}{2R^2} and \frac{abc}{2R^2} = \frac{8 \Delta ^2}{abc}. So the given equality means 16\Delta ^2 = abc\left ( a+b+c \right )\iff \left ( 2s(2s-2a)(2s-2b)(2s-2c) \right )= abc(a+b+c) \iff \left ( a+b-c \right )\left ( b+c-a \right )\left ( c+a-b \right )= abc

But by AM-GM abc \ge (a+b-c)(b+c-a)(c+a-b), with equality iff a=b=c

Shubhodip ·

Or, Use extended law of sines to get that the equality is equivalent to

\sum \sin A = \sum \sin 2A \iff 4\prod \left \cos\left ( \frac{A}{2} \right \right )= 4\prod \sin A or \prod \sin\left ( \frac{A}{2} \right )= \frac{1}{8} and use jensen to prove \prod \sin\left ( \frac{A}{2} \right )\le \frac{1}{8} with equality iff A=B=C

BTW if a\cos B + b\cos C + c\cos A = s a triangle will be isosceles.

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

@ Subhodip. Thanks. I used the first one.

Please could you elaborate the last line of second, using jensen's?

fahadnasir nasir ·


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