SOT - 2

if in a triangle ABC ,the line joinning circumcentre & incentre is parallel to BC then

cosB + cosC = ???...(numerical constant).....

3 Answers

Lokesh Verma ·

essentially what this question says is that the height of the circumcenter from BC= inradius of the triangle


a/2 tan(90-A) = r = Δ/s

a/2 cot(A)=Δ/s

Celestine preetham ·

got 1
from fig
derive r =RcosA
ans follows

also try sub A=B=C=60 u easily get 1 ( this method saves a looooot of time and nowadays IITJEE dont select these type) :)

satan92 ·

no doubt the answer will be one..

but celestine can you give a detailed solution from getting r=RcosA

and yeah , iit jee doesnot give these typ of problems nowadays

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