tan a + tan 2a + tan 3a

prove tan a + tan 2a + tan 3a = tan a . tan 2a . tan 3a

my friend gave me from school.. i cant get anything to work on.. this is so tough :(

8 Answers

Lokesh Verma ·

hmm.. this is not as tough my friend...

u need to use

tan 3a = tan (a+2a) and expand...

I hope u can work the rest ur self.. just write it on paper.. it is very simple...

But if i remember, in my school days, this question defeated me as well.. i think my maths teacher in shool asked this one :)

Probably from RS aggrawal if i remember correctly

Kumar Saurabh ·

hmm... ok let me try...

Kumar Saurabh ·

but one thing.. ur answer was very fast.. i just give the question and in 2 minutes ur answer is there!! good man...

i think u can work some on the tests... i want longer tests as well...

Kumar Saurabh ·

hey yes.. btw i have another question pls answer that as well...

thanks for this question :)

sindhu br ·

This is an easy question.......as nishant stated use tan(a+2a)
tan 3a=(tan a + tan 2a )/1-tan a tan 2a
now cross multiply
you get tan3a - tan a tan2a tan3a
But I think final ans will be tan3a -tan a -tan2a=tana.tan2a.tan3a
Nishant pls cross check & tell me...

Lokesh Verma ·

yes sindhu.. u are absolutely correct

dimensions (dimentime) ·

the identity
tana+tan2a+tan3a = tana.tan2a.tan3a
will hold only for a = ±1,0

Rajat Khanduja ·

You can use the general formula for addition of n-terms of tan

tan ( a + b + c+ .....) = S1 - S3 + S4 -...
1- S2 + S4 - ....

where S1 = tan a + tan b + tanc +......
S2 = tan a * tan b + tan a * tanc +..... (sum of tan's taken to at a time)

Here, tan a + tan 2a + tan 3a = tan(-a) + tan (-2a) + tan 3a

Hence tan (3a - 2a -a ) = 0

Therefore , S1 = S3

Hence the result

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