Polynomial -

\textbf{Let}\; a \; \textbf{and} \; b \; \textbf{be the Real Parameters. One Root of the equation} \\\;x^{12}-abx+a^2=0 \; \textbf{is greater than} \;\;2,\textbf{then find minimum value of }\; |b|

8 Answers

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

2. \textbf{The minimum No. of points required to uniquely determine a parabola is}

Aditya Bhutra ·

2) i think it is 4

1) it is easy to find that f(2)<0

thus 212 -2ab +a2 <0

or 212 +(a-b)2 <b2

for minimum value of |b| , a=b

thus b2>212

or |b| >26 =64

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

But why f(2) < 0 ,and what if I say a ≠b ?

Swaraj Dalmia ·

2)ans =4
general equation is (y-k)2=4a(x-h)
to solve this we need 3 pts.[3 variables]
But this will give 2 values of k.
We need a 4th to find 1 value of k.

Aditya Bhutra ·

@vivek - the given equation can have a maximum of two real roots. and as the leading coeff. is +ve , thus it will almost be like an upward facing curve (like a parabola) .

now since 2 lies between the roots, f(2) <0

and if a≠b then min |b| will be slightly greater (but its limiting value will still remain the same)

Shubhodip ·

2) It is three and not four

It is a second degree polynomial, so enough to know it at three points

Hari Shankar ·

1) The problem should read,"if for some real value of a, one root of the equation ..."

Lets assume the converse i.e. that the given polynomial has all roots less than 2 (or greater than 2) for every real a

Since its of even degree with positive leading coefficient, this means we must have f(2)>0

i.e. 2^{12}-2ab+a^2>0

This is independent of the choice of real a. Viewing it as a quadratic in a, this means we must have determinant negative.

i.e. |b|<26.

This means that if b≥26, for some choice of a, f(2)<0 i.e. there exists an odd number of roots of f greater than 2 for some real values of a.

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

Thanks everyone.

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