
Arithmetic,geometric and harmonic mean of the roots of the x2+13x+36=0 are α,β,γ respectively.

1)x1 and x2 are the roots of ax2+bx+c=0, a,b,cεR and α,β,γ lies between x1andx2 δ=mod(x1-x2) then set of all values of δ.

2)set of all vales of t if sum of roots of x2-(t2-13t+α+γ)x-36=0 is less than or equal to β is [l,m] and p=l+m then p is equal to

3)equation whose roots are 2α, p is (where is obtained in qn 2) is

3 Answers

Dr.House ·

α= -13/2 β=6 γ=-72/13

with this 2nd and 3rd questions are too easyyyyyyyyyy
just substitute and get the answers.

1st part i donno

msp ·


i have edited the first question.

i have done the 2 and 3 problem thanxxxx.i have given the qus to look like a paragraph.

Dr.House ·

I DONNO now also i am not able to get
actually i am getting absurd answers

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