Continuity 2

Let f(x)=lim (x2n - 1)/(x2n +1) , then
a) f(x) = 1 for /x/ >1
b) f(x) = -1 for /x/<1
c) f(x) is not defined for any value of x
d) f(x)=1 for /x/=1

1 Answers

Lokesh Verma ·

when |x|<1 then the numerator is -1 and deno is +1
so f(x) is -1

when |x|=1 then numerator is 0 while deno is 2..
so f(x) is 0

if |x|>0 then numerator is infinity form and denominator is also of infinity form..
so the ratio is undefined.. so we nedd to find some trick.. it is to divide numerator and denominator by x2n so it becomes 1/1 form so it is 1

hence u know the solutin now?

dude u posted this question again :)

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