f(x)= (sin2x + sinx -1)/(sin2x -sinx + 2)

18 Answers

big looser ......... ·

i have not solved it. by plotting graph in a software i m getting [ -0.52,0.5]. the method should be that of nishant. but it is too lengthy

Lokesh Verma ·

see what i am saying is that we will remove all the cases where roots are outside this range

and then we will remove these cases..

Otherwise u will have to take 3 different cases as skygirl did..

i mean this is a much shorter method..

big looser ......... ·

u have just say that l t l ≤ 1. then how can u show roots are > 1 in graph

Lokesh Verma ·

now i guess it makes things clearer?

big looser ......... ·

in your 3rd last message check for signs

Lokesh Verma ·

yes aman.. these are the conditions i wrote in the message just above urs :)

btw u will need to find real roots' range and remove from that range the union of Case 1 and 2!

Lokesh Verma ·

i am getting the lower limit at -.5190 using this method..

so i guess u just need to do the calculation..

it is not as lenghty as u think it is

big looser ......... ·

i think it should be
case 1: k-1<0, f(1)<0 and f(-1)<0
case 2: k-1>0, f(1)>0 and f(-1)>0
union of case 1 and 2

and real roots..
correct me if i m wrong

Lokesh Verma ·

case 1: k-1>0, f(1)<0 and f(-1)<0
case 2: k-1<0, f(1)>0 and f(-1)>0
union of case 1 and 2

and real roots..

I think these 3 conditions are sufficient!

Lokesh Verma ·

(sin2x + sinx -1)/(sin2x -sinx + 2)

= (sin2x -sinx + 2 + 2sinx - 3)/(sin2x -sinx + 2)

= 1 +(2sinx - 3)/(sin2x -sinx + 2)

we have sort of simplified it but doesnt seem to be of much use... !!!

so we will try some other trick...

with the condition that |t|<=1

k=(t2 + t -1)/(t2 - t + 2)


(t2 - t + 2)k=(t2 + t -1)

t2(k-1) - t(1+k) + 2k+1 = 0

t2(k-1) - t(1+k) + 2k+1 = 0

now u need the condition that |t| <=1

how will u incorporate that?

Ashish Sharma ·

Hey Aman..
How did u reach -0.52? seems interesting..

May be everyone could gain from ur solution?

big looser ......... ·

by plotting graph i m getting range is [ - 0.52, 0.5 ]

skygirl ·

yes absolutely a simpler one.........
this is soomewat like finding those 'atleast' problems in probability... it should have clicked :(

neway, thank you........:)

Lokesh Verma ·

See try this

1) find range for D>=0 (Real roots)
2) Find range for both roots outside [-1,1] ...
3) remove points in 2 from points in 1

This will give only those cases where either root is inside this range...

Ur method is right.. but i think this one will be simpler to solve :)

skygirl ·

from here for 1). (t1+1)(t2+1) ≥0 and (1-t1)(1-t2) ≥0

similarly for rest two...

but this will be tooo long a process.... (though it was asubjective question)

skygirl ·

i am getting three cases from graph...
1) -1<t1,t2<1 ,,,,,,
2) t1<-1, -1< t2 <1,,,,,,,,,,,
3) reverse of second....
equality will also be thr.........

Lokesh Verma ·

Yes, first condition: real root.. then

the condition that one root should lie between -1 and 1!

That is all! (strange but true: simple looking but still not over!)

skygirl ·

one broad condition is D>=0.

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