non metal

is there any liquid non metal that is a good conductor of electricity?

7 Answers

Akash Roy ·

salt solution of water :P

$θ#iΠi_ :D ·

akashda is this a non metal?

Sayan Sinha ·

molten NaCl

Bitan Chakraborty ·

Any ionic salts in their molten or fused state are capable of conducting electricity.

Bitan Chakraborty ·

As such, there is no liquid non-metal that can conduct electricity. As far as I am concerned Bromine is the only liquid non-metal. But it does not conduct electricity.

Sayan Sinha ·

Sir, molten graphite?

Swarna Kamal Dhyawala ·

Graphite is known as an allotrope of carbon. The word graphite means that a solid. If you heat it up enough it will not melt but sublime directly to a gas, but although this is still carbon, it will no longer be called graphite as it does not have the same type of bonding as solid graphite. In any case, it will not conduct electricity other than solid state..
(Solid) graphite conducts electricity due to layers of delocalised electrons in between layers of carbon atoms each joined to three others in a pattern of hexagons......

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