Exam 3

The area of a square of side (2x − ay + 3) is A(x) + a2y2 + 2y (2x + 3), where A(x) is a polynomial in the variable x. What is the value of the constant a?

9 Answers

Sayantan Hazra ·

Find the area of the square......compare both sides.....A(x) means it is a polynomial in x only

Vinayak Agrawal ·


Astha Gupta ·

the value of 'a' must be....1...

Astha Gupta ·

the polynomial here is....A(x)=(2x+3)2....if u compare the rest of the values...which comprise of 'a', you will find that value of 'a' is1......

Astha Gupta ·

the polynomial here is....A(x)=(2x-3)2....if u compare the rest of the values...which comprise of 'a', you will find that value of 'a' is1......

Astha Gupta ·

the polynomial here is....A(x)=(2x-3)2....if u compare the rest of the values...which comprise of 'a', you will find that value of 'a' is1......

Astha Gupta ·

the polynomial here is....A(x)=(2x-3)2....if u compare the rest of the values...which comprise of 'a', you will find that value of 'a' is1......

Astha Gupta ·

the polynomial here is....A(x)=(2x-3)2....if u compare the rest of the terms...which comprises of 'a', you will find that value of 'a' is1......

Astha Gupta ·

the polynomial here is....A(x)=(2x-3)2....if u compare the rest of the values...which comprise of 'a', you will find that value of 'a' is1......

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