To Warm, or Not to Warm?

Why can you warm your hands by blowing gently, and cool your hands by blowing hard?

8 Answers

umang Chhaparia ·

in case 1, mouth should be kept wide open
whil in case 2 very less space should be left for air to cum out..

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

though it is 9-10 probblem still i think the explanation is adiabatic expansion in second case.

Lokesh Verma ·

to be true it is a biology questoin ;)

If i remember correctly what i read ;) :D

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

biology?? [125] kaise??

mujhe to ab tak lagta hai thats a q of adiabatic expansion....[1]

Avinav Prakash ·

wen u pass a gas.suddenly thru a narow opening of ur mouth .. the temperture... falls the volume sudenly increases...with other factors remaining constant...thus blowing cool air......but this doesnot occur..wen blown gently..

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

yes that is what i mean by adiabatic expansion???isnt it???

but nishant bhaiya posted it in 9 - 10 forum....and he also insists its a biology wat possibly can the ans be'???

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

and remember it is tru when u pass gas through a narrow opening....of ur..................................mouth only nothing else.....mind it...[3][3][3]

Subhomoy Bakshi ·

neways the name of the opic reminds me of warm or not to warm....

like to be or not to be...[3][3]

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