electromagnetic induction

the question states this........

there is an incomplete loop moving in a uniform magnetic field with a speed v...... the loop between points p and q is not complete find the potntial diffrence between pnt p and q

6 Answers

yagyadutt Mishra ·

Theory: If a rod has its velocity and length both perpendicular to B then emf is induced in it which is equal to BLV

You must remember that L B V three must be perpendicular for emf induction..

In your question....

EMF will induced in....three places...See the below figure....
Hence first option is correct

varun.tinkle ·

superb yaar thnx i did the same methd but i made a calcultaion mistake

rishabh ·

or else you can just replace the whole set up with a rod in place of pq.
it's basically the same thing.

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

What if the rods had considerable thickness, say half of their length?

How would the situation vary? Just a rough Idea?

buddyboyyash ·

@vivek....i think in that case the area wud be considered...flux = NBA(cos theta)....

buddyboyyash ·

i mean sin theta

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