find resistance

it is an infinite grid.. each segmnt of each resitance is R. all are equal squares.. to find resistance between A nd B

3 Answers

Ranadeep Roy ·


Dwijaraj Paul Chowdhury ·

R0/2 ...irodov right? :p

Anurag Ghosh ·

Hmmmmm......similar type question was posted by another boy.......There resistance was R/3....

  • Jeet Sen Sharma superimposition.!!! how....??
  • Anurag Ghosh hehe...not superimposition its superposition......... Assume a battery of p.d V between A and B and current I flowing through them... 1st case current can enter from infinity enter A as I/4 2nd case current can come from infinity and leave B as I/4 net current=(I/4+I/4)=I/2 V=I/2*R.......As we assumed I current to be flowing..therefore resistance R/2...

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