MAG doubt

A hypothetical mag field existing in a ragion is given by \vec{B}=B_{0}\vec{e_{r}}
wer e_{r} denotes unit vector along the radial direction of a point relative to the origin and B0=constant.....A circular loop of raduis a carrying current i is placed parallel to the XY plane and center at (0,0,a)........Find the mag of mag force acting on the loop

5 Answers

Kaustab Sarkar ·


Kaustab Sarkar ·

ok that thing i know.....but here see the net constant mag field acting perpendicular to loop is Bcos45

now we know that in a constant magnetic field tthe net force on any closed loop is why here in this q the force is not 0

qwerty ·

qwerty ·

okk okk, here r = a = d

and kaustab , net force on a loop is zero iff, mag field is constant , and here only mag is constant , not d direction , hence mag field isnt constant

Kaustab Sarkar ·

array direction is same na BCos45 perpendicular to loop

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