chem questions

1) no. of isomeric ethers with chiral carbon in molecular formula C5H12O4

which nitogen in thymine is more acidic . (with explanation)

3) Number of isomers of the formula C4H8O4

4 Answers

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

2. I think the lower/bottom one is more acidic?

Aditya Bhutra ·

even i thought so, but they have given the above one as more acidic.

Swaraj Dalmia ·

The above N atom contributes to a no. of equal R.S.
The bonding is also favored as there are 2 C∂+ beside N- that helps in resonance stabilization.
Hence it can said as the most acidic one.

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

Well the nAditya, I think it's because they are superceding the Inductive Effect with the resonance stabilization. Although the R.S in the bottom N is more, it is too much to supercede the - Inductive of the two Oxygen atoms for the upper N. It's just like an active methylene group.

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