
1.species having highest electron affinity:
a)O b)F- c)Cl- d)O-
ans given O,shudnt it be O-?
adding more..
2.if a+3b+2c=12,then max value of 6bc(1+a)+a(3b+2c) is
a)112 b)115 c)102 d)92

9 Answers

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

yes, First one will be O.

Higher Electron affinity means more tendency to accept electrons. However, F- , Cl - both have complete octet, so they will be neglected completely.

Now for O- and O , O- having 1 deficiency of e- when compared to O which is 2 e deficient will possess less Electron Affinity.

hence O is the answer.

Arka Halder ·

vivek,O- has the same configuration as that of F.
then how can O have more EA than O-?
also say among S- and S which has greater EA?
shouldnt the answer be S- as it has same configuration as Cl or should it be S?

Asish Mahapatra ·

O- already has an extra negative charge than a neutral atom. So due to this extra negative charge it will repel any additional charge, hence its electron affinity reduces.

2.if a+3b+2c=12,then max value of 6bc(1+a)+a(3b+2c) is
a)112 b)115 c)102 d)92

6bc + 3ab + 2ac + 6abc = 6abc(1/a + 1/2c + 1/3b + 1)

= 31a+13b+ 12c ≥ (a + 3b + 2c)/3
=> 1a+13b+ 12c ≤ 9/12

also, a + 3b + 2c ≥ 3*36abc
=> 6abc ≤ 64

So, max. value = 64 (3/4 + 1) = 16*7 = 112

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

O- has the same configuration as that of F.

F is not there in the option.

And you don't compare S- with Cl because both don't have same effective nuclear charge. That should also be taken into the account.

anujkaliaiitd ·

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Arka Halder ·

thanks all.
plz ans these:
1.which isnt true for ideal gas:
(multi correct)
a)it cant be converted to liquid
b)there's no intermolecular attraction
c)all molecules move with same speed
d)at const temp,PV is proportional to amt of gas
c has to bve right but is any other option correct?
2. No of pairs of(x,y) satisfying sin x +sin y=sin(x+y) and |x|+|y|=1 is ...

pandit ·

2. No of pairs of(x,y) satisfying sin x +sin y=sin(x+y) and |x|+|y|=1 is ...
answer is 6
u need take intersection of

with the square |x|+|y|=1

Arka Halder ·

ya it pandit..thanks.

Aditya Bhutra ·

on solving sin x +siny = sin(x+y) ,
we get sin(x/2 - y/2)=0.
therefore, x-y=0 , x/2-y/2=pi, x/2-y/2=2pi.
solving this with |x| +|y| =1 , we get 2 solns. for each.... hence total solns are 2*3 =6.

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