someone pleaz answer these ques....

1) A bal is thrown vertically up wards. It is observed at a height h twice with a time interval t. The initial velocity of the ball is.......

2)A circus artist maintains 4 balls in motion . When one ball leaves his hand (speed = 20m/s) the position of other balls will be........

8 Answers

gauraviscool ·

no one tryin.......

Lokesh Verma ·

First one is not very difficult...

Let us say that the velocity at that height is v0.. then v0=g(t/2)

so we have velocity at height h

Now find the velocity at the initial time by using v02=u2+2as

where a = -g and s=h


Lokesh Verma ·

2)A circus artist maintains 4 balls in motion . When one ball leaves his hand (speed = 20m/s) the position of other balls will be........

Find the total time for the balls to come down...


t=40/g = 4 seconds

So the interval of throwing the balls is 1 second..

Now solve the rest?

vishuboy ·

Sir, how did you get v0=g(t/2)?

Euclid ·

1) Use
h = ut - 1/2gt2

solving this for t, we have t=-2u±√(4u2-8gh)2g

these two values are the time interval betwn those points.....

so dt = t2-t1 = √(4u2-8gh)g =t

now get v....

gauraviscool ·

thank u all!!!!
but nishant sir pleaz explain how did u get V0=gt/2

Lokesh Verma ·

that is because the time to reach the top is t/2

and the velocity at the top is zero..

accelearation is g

so v=u+at

Put in the requisite values of v, u, a and t

gauraviscool ·

but sir how can we take time taken to reach the top =t/2 when it is given that t=\Deltat=t2-t1 where t1 & t2 are the two time intervals at which the ball is seen at height h???

also as u said putting v=0, t=t/2 , and a=-g in
v=u+at we get u=gt/2 i.e. the value of u=gt/2 but not V0=gt/2

PLEAZ EXPLAIN SIR..............

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