Physics Olympaid

I am planning to prepare for olympaid therefore i would want some suggestions and tips.
I even want to know which books to refer

6 Answers

Lokesh Verma ·

Solve problems..

Hall & Knight/ Bernard Child to begin with..
Excursions in Mathematics
Give a lot of attention to inequalities
Remainder finding
Geometry (Which I have to say I could never ever give time on :( )
Permutation Combination (Which is somehow more natural than Learnt!)

To begin with, I would say these are decent..

But I guess Prophet sir could be the best person to answer this one.. ?

Lol I was replying for Maths Olympiad :P :D

Lokesh Verma ·

physics olympiad there is a book by Arihant...

I have not seen the book.. but have heard that it is pretty good..

Lokesh Verma ·

But I think Kaymant sir wud be the bst person to answer this one ?

There are books on the official website..

My experience says that IIT JEE preparations are good enuf for physics olympiad!

virang1 Jhaveri ·

ok thx sir

Sir do u know the name of the book which has problems like irodov

virang1 Jhaveri ·

Sir is it true that physics olympiad is easy then irodov

Lokesh Verma ·

Yes, at the state and national level ..

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