Bond energy

What effect does electronegativity difference between bonded elements have on bond strength ?

11 Answers

abcd ·

the more the electronegativity the more polar and unstable the bond

but the bond length factor overpowers electronegativity !

govind ·

@Ishan..i dont agree with ur answer completely..
as in the case of HF and HI...the electronegativity difference b/w H and F is more as compared to the electronegativity difference b/w H and according to ur explanation bond in HI shud be stronger as compared to the bond in HF..but the reverse is true..and ya i know that's bcoz of the different bonding orbitals...but ur statement doesnt fit in this case..

Pritish Chakraborty ·

I- is a very stable conjugate base(due to large size of I, negative charge is spread out) so HI is a strong acid(strongest halogen acid if I remember correctly). Anomalies will always be there govind...yeh chemistry hai aakhirkaar!

abcd ·

@ govind please make the effort of reading the complete post before commenting!
i have mentioned that bond length overpowers polarity!
HF bond is the shortest amongst the halogen acids and hence the strongest!
once u have two bonds same length(approx) the one which is more polar will be more vulnerable
reason: the cnjugate species will be more stable as mentioned by pritish!

nikunj ·

Any conclusion ?[22]


@Ishan : A Doubt

" " the more the electronegativity the more polar and unstable the bond

but the bond length factor overpowers electronegativity " "

By this u mean that Bond strength of polar > non polar no ???

(Correct me if I 'm wrong)

abcd ·

no uttara

what i mean is that for the same group of elements we consider the bond length whereas for other cases we consider the polar nature!

Manmay kumar Mohanty ·

more the electronegativity difference stronger is the bond in general cases but with that u can't say NaCl has bond energy more than N2 inspite of NaCl has a greater electronegativity difference.

Bicchuram Aveek ·

HIGHER El. Diff. results in ionic bond and lower gives cov. bond. Ionic bonds are stronger than cov. bonds.



" " for other cases we consider the polar nature! " '

My doubt was regarding this

While considering polar nature Bond strength of polar > non polar

Am I right ????

abcd ·

no uttara when we consider polar nature:

bond strength of polar<non polar

reason: the more polar the more the chances of substitution rxn and elimination as the case may be.

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