MECHANICS Question !!

Q1)Two particles 'm1' and 'm2' are connected by a light elastic string of natural length 'lo' and are placed on a smooth horizontal table with separation between m1 and m2 as lo. m2 is projected with a velocity 'vo' along the table at right angles to the string. Show that the max length ' l ' of the string is given by: l2 = [vo2m1m2(l + lo)]/[k(m1+m2)(l - lo)] ,where 'k' is force const. of string.
Also describe the motion of i)the system(m1 & m2)
ii)the COM(centre of mass)

6 Answers

Anirudh Narayanan ·

'k' is force const. of string? I thought force constants were for springs? Pls reply [7]

rkrish ·

'k' is not spring const.It is the force const.

Anirudh Narayanan ·

What does it mean? [7][7][7][7][7]

rkrish ·

k = the force reqd. to cause unit elongation (i.e. 1 m) in the string!!
S.I. Unit : Nm-1

Anirudh Narayanan ·

K. THANX [1]

rkrish ·

Do not mention!!! :P:P

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