Work that a man will do.

A man pushes a compartment of a train in the direction in which the train is accelerating uniformly. Will the man do +ve ,-ve or no work ?

35 Answers


bhaiyya if he is inside the train he is not doing work and if he is outside itzzz certainly -ve work...bhaiyya..........

Lokesh Verma ·

yes abhishek you are right in your analysis..

on the whole there is no work..

But if you have to find the work on the train by the man it is -ve.

while the wrok by the train on th eman will be +ve.

This is in someway the netwon's law.. "every action has equal and oppsoite reaction"

Philip Calvert ·

yes bhaiyya plz check this statement

the work (-ive ) done in this case will be equal to the work that the man was doing on the train anytime he was standing still..(wrt train ofcourse)

if this is correct i'll ask two more..

Lokesh Verma ·

if he is not pushing the wall yes.

Philip Calvert ·

no not that ...

i mean while pushing the wall the man applies some force on the wall

due to which there is positive work....

and then there is the force his feet aply in the backward direction ..
which is (i think > than the force of his hands) so net work -ive ???

i know there is something messy in this so please tell me where am i wrong ...

Lokesh Verma ·

he is on the train..
his net acceleration is forward. (equal to train's)

So the net force.. friction (ground) - reaction will be in forward direction.

So work done by the train on him wil be +ve.

___ (more added below)

So the work done by the person on the train will be -ve

Philip Calvert ·

sorry for troubling u but

yes so there should be no change in the wrok done by the train on him (wil be +ve.) regardless of whether he is pushing or pulling the wall or doing yoga..

(unless he jumps)
oops yes so Q2

Q2) will work change in case man starts walking...

Philip Calvert ·

is my post the very climax of unreason bhaiyya

Lokesh Verma ·

Philip: The question is work by man on train.. :!!!!

So that has to be -ve

your statement 1 is correct.

2) Walking will not change the work/ force unless he is accelerating

Grandmaster ·

nishant ,abhirup or anyone else i can't undestand why work is -ve.

chinmay ·

bhaiyya, does work done depend on the frame??

Philip Calvert ·

hmmm... nice one ...
so when we walk with uniform speed no work is done...
walking is ambiguous bhaiyya don't u think

i mean it will be much better if we restrain ourselves to simple objects that maintain constant contact with the ground

thanks i think my doubt is cleared..

lolzz just imagine a man walking with uniform velocity v
and suddenly he enters a frictionless floor
he is supposed to keep on walking like that lol [9]



Philip Calvert ·

tyson has a point in that question of his....



chinmay ·

if a box is inside an accelerating train and a man is pushing the box in the same direction of that of the train.
will the work done by the man be same with respect to a fellow traveller and by a stationary observer standing outside the train??

mkagenius ·

suppose if someone(not me) inside the train bangs himself to the compartment
and bounces back.....then what will the work done by the person on the train...
if net displacement during this is negative....

Lokesh Verma ·

mkagenius it depends on a lot of things...

It depends on how long in that whole process he was in contact with the train and in what way.

It is not a very easy one to answer...

On the whole you could say that if there was no contact except during the time of collision, then

work done will be F.ds.. force during collision by the man on the tain will be in the forward direction. Train is also moving in forward direction.

So the work by man on the train wud have been positive!

Двҥїяuρ now in medical c ·

how can u push widout friction eureka :P???

Sunil Kumar ·

bhaiya i suppose 0 work as, as due to push of the man, there is no net displacement.

Lokesh Verma ·

No it is not zero sunil :(

Lokesh Verma ·

no eureka.. you dont have to find the work by the system.

You have to find the work done by the man of the train.

SO you cant take these together as a system.

eureka123 ·

ok..........i will give it another try....

but was that statement true.....Internal force dont perform net work on the system ????????

eureka123 ·

Fat2/2 ?????????

sidsgr88 Bora ·

i think heell do negative work.........
and W=-Fat2/2
as if we bring the man in the compartement to an inertial frame ...a pseudo force will be applied on him in the opposite dir and that will be the direction of displacement...

Lokesh Verma ·

yes it will be -ve work.. :)

Lokesh Verma ·

Check the image i have attached. (F is the frictional force. R is the normal reaction)
Work done by the man will be R.s-F.s

but we know that F-R=ma because the train is accelerating forward with the same acceleration as the man.

So F-R is positive.

So the man will do -ve work.

Lokesh Verma ·

This is a question I got from Aniruddha today.

An extremely good one.. Some one pls try to solve this.

eureka123 ·

yup yup...[1].......I have done a blunder.....[2]

Celestine preetham ·

its -ve if the man is inside the train
+ve if hes outside
Q dint mention abt that

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