
1.If the total number of neutrons and protons in a nuclear reaction is conserved, how then is the energy absorbed
or evolved in the reaction ? Explain.

2. Compare the radii of two nuclel of mass numbers A1 & A2.

4 Answers

sakshi pandey pandey ·

2. r13 : r23 = A1 : A2

sakshi pandey pandey ·

1 the energy that is evolved is binding energy of nucleons

Arka Halder ·

1)there is mass defect,chinkoos.
the mass of the combined nucleus is less then the combined mass of the neutrons and protons and the energy required to bind them together in the nucleus is the binding energy,as stated by madhu.same amt of energy is needed to break a nucleus into its constituent neutron and protons.E=∂m.c2 acc to mass energy equivalence.
2)For this use R=R0A1/3
to get R13:R23=A1:A2 as said earlier by madhu

Manmay kumar Mohanty ·

U will observe that the totalof actual masses of elements on L.H.S and R.H.S vary.
This is due to mass defect. According to the Einstein equation We have
Energy evolved or released =mass defect X 931 MeV.

Hope U got it.......

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