Photoelectric effect thread

(1) The work function of a certain metal is 3.31×10–19 J. Then the maximum kinetic energy of photo electrons emitted by incident photons of wave length 5000 Ǻ is (given h = 6.62×10–34 Js, c = 3×108 ms–1, e = 1.6×10–19 coulomb)

(1) 2.48 eV

(2) 0.41 eV

(3) 2.07 eV

(4) 0.82 eV

(2) A photon of energy ‘E’ejects a photo electron from a metal surface whose work function is W0. If this electron enters into a magnetic field of induction ‘B’ in a direction perpendicular to the field and describes a circular path of radius ‘r’, then the radius ‘r’ is given by (in the usual notation)

(1) √[2m(E – W0)/eB]

(2) √[2m(E – W0) eB]

(3) (1/mB)√[2e(E – W0)]

(4) (1/eB)√[2m(E – W0)]

3)Blue light (λ = 460 nm) is incident on a piece of potassium, for which the work function W= 2.20 eV. What is the maximum kinetic energy of the ejected photoelectrons?

2 Answers

narayan ·

K_{max} = h (f-f_{0})

f= frequency =\frac{c}{\lambda }

f_{0}= work \, \, function

f =\frac{3\times 10^8}{5\times 10^{-7}} =6\times 10^{14}\, \texttt{Hz}

K_{max} = 6.62\times 10^{-34} (6\times 10^{14}-3.31\times 10^{-19})

= 3.972\times 10^{-19}\textup{J}

K_{max} = 2.4825\, \textup{eV}

Option a]

Ashish Kothari ·

2) The maximum kinetic energy that the electron can possess= E - W0

Assuming mass of electron to be m,

Momentum of ejected photo-electron = \sqrt{2m(E-W0)}

Radius 'r' described by the photo-eletcron in a magnetic field of induction B entering perpendicularly into it = mveB

= \frac{\sqrt{2m(E-W0)}}{eB} (Option (4) )

I guess in this question all other options are dimensionally incorrect too!

3) Maximum Kinetic Energy = E - φ = hcλ - φ = 1242eV-nm460nm - 2.20eV = 2.7eV - 2.2eV = 0.5eV

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