Two Inequalities

Prove the following two inequalities : -

1 .

Please note that " a r and b r " are two sequences of real numbers .

2 .

Also infer when the two equalities hold .

Note : - The first problem has got many solutions . But the smallest I could find was my own . So it would be best if one tries this one from different angles .

Problem Source : - Problems In Inequalities - Gabriel Klambauer

5 Answers

Shubhodip ·

1) C.S inequality or Lagrange's identity

2) chebychef's inequality + AM-GM

Shubhodip ·

1) square both sides, and C.S does it all

By chebychefs
n(1n+1+ 2n+1 +...+ nn+1)≥(1+2+3+...+n)(1n+ 2n+ ...+ nn)

further (1n+2n+...+nn)>n n!

combining them

(1n+1 + ...+nn+1)≥n(n+1)n!/2 = n(n+1)!/2

Ricky ·

Great job done again , Shubhodip . Check out the other thread .

Hari Shankar ·

I am a bit puzzled about the second one. Because

n > \frac{n+1}{2}, n>n-1,n>n-2,...,n \ge 2 \Rightarrow n^n > \frac{(n+1)!}{2}

so that

n^{n+1} > \frac{n \times((n+1)!)}{2}

So why summation?

Hari Shankar ·

1st one is minkowski.

In vector form it is ||v_1||+||v_2||\ge ||v_1+v_2||

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