good one

an accelerated electron strikes a target in a x ray tube with kinetic energy K. energy lost in the forst collision yields a photon of wavelength λ. if 50% of the remaining energy is lost in next collision , find the wavelength of the photon emitted during this collision.

5 Answers

tapanmast Vora ·

is it 3hc/2K

Dr.House ·

no way near the answer

The Race begins... ·

energy left after first collision = K - hc/λ

energy lost during second collision = (Kλ-hc)/2λ (50% of remaining energy)

This is equal to the energy of emitted photon whose wavelength is λ' (say)

hc/λ' = (Kλ-hc)/2λ

=> λ' = 2hcλ/(Kλ-hc)

correct me if i am wrong !

tapanmast Vora ·

Are the collisions identical???

Dr.House ·

well perfect answer. u r rite

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