Acidic hydrogen

Which of the following has the most acidic hydrogen?
(a) 3-hexanone
(b) 2,4-hexanedione
(c) 2,5-hexanedione
(d) 2.3-hexanedione

4 Answers

Gaurav Gardi ·


Swarna Kamal Dhyawala ·

the answer must be 2,5 hexanedione
acidc hydrogen means hydrogen attached to the carbon atoms which directly attached to sp2 carbon atoms

Gaurav Gardi ·

In 2,4-hexadione if H+ is removed from carbon number 3 then it will cause delocalisation of electrons from oxygen on carbon number 2 to oxygen on carbon number 4
which will stabilise the carbanoin thus formed.This stabilization is the most in case of 2,4-hexadione.

Gaurav Gardi ·

it is not most number of acidic it is most acidic(not the quantity but the acidity of hydrogen)

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