best test series?


(keeping following in mind) terms of no of students taking
2.whose percentile is almost equivalent to iit jee(imp)
3.whose que r closely related to iit

pleaseeeeeeeeeee give ur votes am in need of it

6 Answers

Subash ·

ask questions in proper sections please

Dr.House ·


peole takin fiitjee is really high compared to brilliant.

2] i personally feell no test can give %ile similar comparable to jee. there have been many who alwys got 99%tile in fiitjee but could not make it to iit. and who could not made it to iit. but theis is not the case always.

3] both give equally gud questions. fiitjee people give some wat tough. and sometimes i feel bmat tests fom past 3 tests are gud comparable to iit.

last fiitjee was too easy. before open test was full of blunders. and test before dat was tough.

sriraghav ·

mathie... cud u tell y ppl who cud get 99%ile in aits cud not make into iit.....(i think they can solve difficult Qs)

Dr.House ·

it depends on jee day. i dont know every bod`s biography na.

on the day of jee, geniouses can falter and simple people can gain. all depends on the day.

sriraghav ·

wat u said is rite... one of my senior got 55 %ile in aits(last test b4 jee08) but got rank around 2000.... which is quite good....but i hav heard many saying that fiitjee's prediction are almost rite......( in case of their %ile)

sriraghav ·

r the 99%ilers not get used to such xam lik situations...

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