Help me please(organic)

(CH3)2-CH-CH2-CH3+Cl2→ X in presence of light.

X is a monohalogenated product.What is X.Give structure with explanation.

5 Answers

utd4ever ·

is the answer (CH3)2-CCl-CH2-CH3 ....

govind ·

here in this compound we have
1 tertiary H
2 Secondary H
9 primary H
since the ratio of attack is tertiary : secondary : primary = 5 : 3.8 : 1
so the final ratio becomes
1 tertiary H = 5
2 Secondary H = 7.6
9 primary H = 9

so attack on primary carbon will yield the major product..and for the percentage u can do 9/21.6 * 100 = 41 %

utd4ever ·

since it is i the presence of light it should be free radical mechanism .. so most stalbe free radical will be formed that is tertiary so we will get the answer i gave ..... wondering why thats not the answer ???!!!!

Pritish Chakraborty ·

utd4ever look up Reactivity-Selectivity principle..

utd4ever ·

ur explanation is correct but lubu told me that the answer is secondary carbon ??

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