iodoform rxn

in the iodoform reaction of ethanol , the number of moles of base (naoh) consumed per mole of ethanol is?

ans: 5 (how?)

3 Answers

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

You should be able to count 4 easily(WHich are involved in any Haloform Reaction , 3 for H extraction and 1 for elimination), the extra one is used for the oxidation of the ethanol to acetyldehyde.

hence 5.

rishabh ·

after the first 4 OH- we get 2 OH on the same carbon, so water eliminates hence giving acetaldehyde right? so where is the 5th one used?

Vivek @ Born this Way ·

First you form acetaldehyde using 1 OH. Then procees with the normal Iodoform which uses 4 OH.

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