Organic 2

5 Answers

Manish Shankar ·

For Question 1
They are forming the same carbocation, So greater the energy of the reactant lower is the Activation Energy.

In B reactant is more stable than that of D. So difference of energy between the carbocation and reactant will be greater in B

Akshay Ginodia ·

Q1. (d)

Q2.Maybe (c)

Q3.I think (b)

Q4.(a)CH3Cl + Ni(300°C)→CH4
(b)CH3Cl + Zn-Cu couple/C2H5OH→ CH4
(c)RX + Red P/HI→ CH4

Anurag Ghosh ·

aur 1. ka i had doubt on (b) and (d) (d),there is a possibility of forming a 1 degree carbocation,which is les stable dan 3 degree,which increases d activation energy.......
But b mein both d possibilities are 3 degree lowest A.E....
must have been (b),ans (d) diya hai.......Now think of an alternate method??

Hamza-Ul-Huda ·

Q1) ka ans (b) hoga..... becoz 3 deg carbo are more stable and less act energy ....

i guess the ans may be wrong....

but can u plz tell me abt Q2)... i can't got it ..!!!

Anurag Ghosh ·

For 2) the only thing that is cuming to my mind is of the strenght of acid........Akshay tum kya logic lagaye ike liye????

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