wat is the O N of

1) Cr in CrO5

2)S in H2SO5

why is with normal way of finding ON the ans is not coming

6 Answers

Unicorn--- Extinct!! ·

The best way is to draw the structures..you wnt get a wrong answer that way...try these questions by making structures.

Rasheed Ahmed ·

well i know abt it.......but i m asing why ans is not coming by the normal way?

govind ·

For these questions..u need to know the Structure for finding the Oxidation number...
CrO5 --- Cr is in +6 oxidation state..
H2SO5---S is in +6 oxidation state

for solving these questions u may see the method in this thread..

post #8

govind ·

we cannot find this by normal way ..coz in normal way u take Oxidation state of O as -2 but it's not true for all oxtgen atoms here as we have peroxy linkages in which Oxidation state of oxygen is -1 ..so to find the oxidation state in this cases u have u use the method given in the link in abv post

utd4ever ·

we cannot do this by the normal method becoz in both the compounds there are peroxy bonds ..
In CRO5 there are 4 peroxy bonds and in H2SO5 one peroxy bond .....for a peroxy bond u need to take -1 instead of oxygen's -2 ... that will give you the answer ...

Rasheed Ahmed ·

Thnaks all :)

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